If you know that the decimal equivalent of 1/16 is 0.0625 (1/8 is 0.125), then just multiply that by 11 and you get 0.6875.
2/16 = 1/8. You need to divide 1 by 8 using division or a calculator, if you are unable to do the division. The answer is 0.125
You can put it into 1/16. 1/16 solved is 0.625. For 3/16, you get 1.875.
Convert it to a decimal, multiply that by 100.
If you know that the decimal equivalent of 1/16 is 0.0625 (1/8 is 0.125), then just multiply that by 11 and you get 0.6875.
It is: 1/16 = 0.0625
8 over 16 in decimal form is 1/2.
2/16 = 1/8. You need to divide 1 by 8 using division or a calculator, if you are unable to do the division. The answer is 0.125
It is 1.
You can put it into 1/16. 1/16 solved is 0.625. For 3/16, you get 1.875.
6 and 1/16 = 6.0625
4 and 1/16 = 17/16 .Do the long division and you get 4.0625 .
0.06666 repeating