To convert a mixed number to an improper fraction, multiply the denominator by the whole number, add that total to the numerator and put the whole thing over the original denominator.
As an improper fraction 3 and 1/5 is 16/5
you can do this by simply saying 1 6/3
It is 3/1 as an improper fraction
First you would have to turn 3.25 into a fraction (3 1/4). To find the improper fraction you would multiply the denominator (4) by the whole number (3) to get 12 and then add the neumerator (1). The final improper fraction would be 13/4.
It is: 4 and 1/3 = 13/3 as an improper fraction
As an improper fraction 3 and 1/5 is 16/5
you can do this by simply saying 1 6/3
It is 3/1 as an improper fraction
(3 and 1/4) = 13/4
3/1 is an improper fraction.
You cannot. The magnitude of 1/3 is less than one and so it cannot be an improper fraction.
It is (5*3 + 1)/5 = 16/5.
First you would have to turn 3.25 into a fraction (3 1/4). To find the improper fraction you would multiply the denominator (4) by the whole number (3) to get 12 and then add the neumerator (1). The final improper fraction would be 13/4.
It is: 4 and 1/3 = 13/3 as an improper fraction
1 and 1/2 as an improper fraction is 3/2.
1 3/8 = 11/8 in improper fraction
7 1/3 as an improper fraction = 22/37 1/3:= [(3 * 7)1]/3= [21+1]/3= 22/3 in improper fraction