48/75 = 0.64
4875 is not a prime number. 4875 has more than two factors.
The answer depends on what you want to turn into a fraction. And, incidentally, I do not turn into a fraction.
To convert a decimal into a fraction, place .4875 over 1 in fraction for (.4875/1). Then add as many zeroes to the right of the lower number as there are numbers to the right of the decimal and remove the decimal (4875/10000). Then reduce the fraction to its lowest term (39/80).
48/75 = 0.64
4875 is not a prime number. 4875 has more than two factors.
4875 1625,3 325,5,3 65,5,5,3 13,5,5,5,3
Mercury's diameter is about 4875 kilometers, at the equator. The circumference is "pi" x 4875. That's about 15315 kilometers.
The number is already rounded to a greater degree than that. So the answer is 4875.
The answer depends on what you want to turn into a fraction. And, incidentally, I do not turn into a fraction.
How to turn 0.625 into a fraction
how do you turn 10% into a fraction
turn 2.04 into a fraction