Percentages are fractions over 100.
So 45% is 45/100
You can then simplify that to 9/20
45% = 45/100 in fraction
45% = 9/20 as a fraction in its lowest terms
45 percent is 45/100, which simplifies to 9/20
-45% = -45/100 = -9/20
you have 2 turn the percent into a decimal the you can easily turn the decimal into a fraction
45 percent in a fraction is 9/20.
45 percent as a fraction is 45/100 or 9/20. 45 percent as a decimal is 0.45.
how to turn 15 percent into a fraction
-45% as a fraction in simplest form
45% = 45/100 in fraction
45% = 9⁄20
45% = 9/20 as a fraction in its lowest terms
45 percent is 45/100, which simplifies to 9/20
-45% = -45/100 = -9/20
you have 2 turn the percent into a decimal the you can easily turn the decimal into a fraction
45% = 45/100 It can also be written as 9/20
Percent means out of 100. ⇒ 45 % = 45/100 = 9/20