6 remainder 1 is equal to 6 1/10th as a fraction.
you can only turn a fraction to a mixed fraction if the numerator is larger than the denominator and the numerator is divisible wholly by the denominator. for example 45/7 is the fraction and you can turn this to mixed fraction into 6 3/7. look if you multiply 6 by 7 you will get 42. so the whole number is 6 then subtract it from 45 and you will get 3.
It is 60/360 = 1/6 of a whole turn.
See the "relevant answers" below.
0.60 is the same as 0.6 and as a fraction it is 6/10 which can be reduced to 3/5
6 in to a fraction = 6/1
66.66% into a fraction = 6/9
6 remainder 1 is equal to 6 1/10th as a fraction.
you can only turn a fraction to a mixed fraction if the numerator is larger than the denominator and the numerator is divisible wholly by the denominator. for example 45/7 is the fraction and you can turn this to mixed fraction into 6 3/7. look if you multiply 6 by 7 you will get 42. so the whole number is 6 then subtract it from 45 and you will get 3.
It is 60/360 = 1/6 of a whole turn.
See the "relevant answers" below.
0.60 is the same as 0.6 and as a fraction it is 6/10 which can be reduced to 3/5
A complete rotation (one turn) measures 360°. Thus, 60° is one-sixth of 360°, and so the fraction of a turn is 1/6.
It is: 35/12 = 2.9166666....repeating 6
It is 6 7/100.