To turn a percentage into a number, you have to know what the percentage is of. You divide the percentage by 100 to get a decimal and then multiply the decimal by the number the percentage is out of. For example, if we wanted to find 125% of 12: 125/100 = 1.25 1.25 x 12 = 15 125% of 12 is 15.
You have to turn the percentage into a decimal.
Multiply it by 100 and express as a percentage. So the number 6 is equal to 600%.
Yes, for example 50% is really 50/100, which is 1/2. The percentage number is always put above 100 for a fraction. For a whole number the percentage would have to be above 100 and is a multiple of 100
First, turn the mixed number into a improper fraction. Then change the improper fraction into a decimal. Then, change it into a percent by moving the decimal point two spaces to the right. Ex: .10 is 10%
To turn a whole number into a percentage: Simply multiply it by 100%.
That is impossible
To turn a percentage into a number, you have to know what the percentage is of. You divide the percentage by 100 to get a decimal and then multiply the decimal by the number the percentage is out of. For example, if we wanted to find 125% of 12: 125/100 = 1.25 1.25 x 12 = 15 125% of 12 is 15.
You have to turn the percentage into a decimal.
Turn it into an improper fraction. Then take the top number and divide it by the bottom for a decimal. Change that into a percent.
ex. 1=%100 8=%800
Decimal percentage, move the decimal point to the right two places, and then add a percentage sign; fraction into percentage, you can first turn the fraction into a decimal, and then turn the fraction into a percentage, or you can turn the fraction into a fraction whose denominator is 100, and directly rewrite it into a percentage!
To turn 0.1666666667 into a percentage, you simply multiply it by 100. Therefore, 0.1666666667 x 100 = 16.66666667%. Rounding to the appropriate number of decimal places, the percentage is 16.67%.
simplest form to find out the percentage of a number is to take the percentage (30), turn it into a decimal 30/100 = .30 and multiply by the number that you want the percentage of (215). .30*215=64.5
Yes, alpha decay occurs naturally, that is why radioactive material is dangerous, because we can't simply "turn off" the radioactive decay.
Divide your total by the number there were in the whole thing, then multiply that result by 100.
Multiply it by 100 and express as a percentage. So the number 6 is equal to 600%.