11/16 or 11 divided by 16 = 0.6875 as a decimal
you divide 16 by 3 and add 2 to it.
0.4375 is seven sixteenths in decimal form.
Fourteen sixteenths are equivalent to seven eighths.
Three sixteenths (3/16) in decimal form is 0.1875
11/16 or 11 divided by 16 = 0.6875 as a decimal
Expressed as a decimal fraction, 3/16 is equal to 0.1875.
you divide 16 by 3 and add 2 to it.
Seven sixteenths written as a decimal is 0.4375
0.4375 is seven sixteenths in decimal form.
Fourteen sixteenths are equivalent to seven eighths.
9/16=0.5625 7/8=0.875 7/8 - 9/16=0.3125 Another way to look at this is to consider that seven eighths is the same as fourteen sixteenths, and fourteen sixteenths is five sixteenths greater than nine sixteenths.
Three sixteenths (3/16) in decimal form is 0.1875
12 sixteenths can be converted to a decimal by dividing the numerator (12) by the denominator (16). The decimal equivalent of 12 sixteenths is 0.75.