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lets say i have five to the second power, i would put a five and then a tiny two in the corner, which the answer by the way is 25 not 10

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Q: How do you type a math problem that has exponents?
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Related questions

What is a math problem that involves 2 negative integers and a negative answer?

It can be a problem to do with adding or subtracting or exponents.

What type of math involves the use of exponents?

Exponents are used in algebra which is an area of math. This is not an area covered in the early years of schooling because it is too complicated to understand then.

When does Exponents used to solve a math problem?

common logarithms, natural logarithms, monatary calculations, etc.

Where can you use exponents?

exponents can be found in math formulas and wen multiplying the same number. exponents can be found in math formulas and wen multiplying the same number.

How do exponents help in math?

Exponents can simplify very ugly math problems and their relation to logarithms makes them invaluable. FYI logarithms were invented before exponents.

PEMDAS is what?

The order of steps you take in a math problem Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Addition, Subtraction For Example: (2x3)+20-2x5, if you follow pemdas the answer is:16

Where do you find exponents in math?


How did exponents change math?

Exponents did not change math, per se, math has always been the same. But the use of them has changed the way math is done. It has allowed mathematic formulas to be shortened and simplified.

Where can you go to type in a math question and get an answer for it for FREE?

It depends what kind of math problem it is

In a miltiplacation problem do you times the exponents?

In a multiplication problem with exponents, one should not multiple the exponents. Rather, it would be correct to multiply the numbers while adding the exponents together.

How can one tell when a math problem has no solution?

Depends on the type of math problem. there's usually an equation to see if there is a solution or not.

What is the definition for power in math term?

power in a math term is when you multiply the exponents