To type a decimal point, you use the period key. .
You must type all the letters and the period '.' at the end. The period shows that it is an abbreviation.
A period of constant positive acceleration;a second period of zero acceleration; a third period of constant negative acceleration.
A period is approximently 1 millimeter acoss
A line graph shows change over a period of time.
Personally I have a slightly raised tempreature and some clear fluis discharge oh and a slight period type pain :)
either a raised period or simply an x
booty holes
No. Aquaculture refers to a type of agriculture where primarily fish are raised for food.
In the democratic period, they met in assembly and divided and were counted on motions raised.
A yellow pill with a raised A is a type of aspirin pill. It is a preventative medicine against heart attacks.
Wheat Corn and soybeans
Potential energy.
The ball-and-socket joint of the shoulder allows the upper arm to be raised and lowered.