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Lets say our number is 31/2. First, if we wanted to write out a mixed number, for the non-fractional part just type the number like you usually do. This is what you should get now: 3 Now press the superscript button or the keyboard shortcut for it. It will most likely look something like this: X2 or ab or something similar. Now press the numerator of the fractional part of the mixed number. It should look like this: 31 Now get out of superscript mode and type a forward slash: 31/ Now press the superscript button or the keyboard shortcut for it (X2 or ab) and type in the denominator of the fractional part and you are done! 31/2

If you are not using this particular text window..

I use the Firefox add-on abcTajpu to print out fractions in text windows.

For example ½ ⅓ ¾

A number of the fractions have Unicodes.

To find the unicode of a symbol you print it out in Microsoft Word and then highlight it and press Alt+x

You can also superscript and subscript numbers like this..


Again I use abcTajpu to do that.

What it looks like depends alot on the font that you are using. Sometimes it doesn't look great.

Below I will cut and past a detailed set of instructions I created for using the add-on.

You can take what you want from it. I will leave it complete in case you can use the other stuff as well, such as printing Greek letters and other mathematical symbols.


There is a great Firefox add-on that you can use to insert mathematical symbols into your answers. For example, using the add-on it only takes one extra key press to write the Kinetic Energy formula in the form Ek=½mv² rather than in the less clear form Ek=1/2mV^2. It only take two key presses to insert the integral symbol, ∫ , i+Insert ⇒ ∫ You can insert each of the Greek symbols with two key presses. a+Insert ⇒ α , l+Insert ⇒ λ ,ect You can also easily insert commonly used phases and equations. The name of the add-on is abcTajpu and it can be found at… Below are the instructions to set it up quickly. After loading the add-on and restarting Firefox, go to your add-ons (Ctrl+Shift+A) and click the Options button in the abcTajpu add-on. • Then copy and paste the following text in the Text window that pops up. Delete the sample text that is already in it. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX < Don't include this. i=∫|s=√|√=√[]|I=∞|P=∂|S=Σ|O=Ω|F=Φ|





















dcv.=d %u003D d₀ + vt|

vca.=v %u003D v₀ + at|

dca.=d %u003D d₀ + v₀t + ½at²|, "The World's Encyclopedia"| XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX < Don't include this. •Click the Insert option at the bottom of the page. (Click F1 if using the insert key does not suit you) •Uncheck the "Add Accent" keys in the middle of the screen…Alt-F1,Alt-F5, ect…. I've created the above text for my own use but it should suit the general user. Below is an explanation of the syntax. The format used by the add-on is... InputCharacterOrCharacters = OutputCharacterOrCharacters| It must end with the vertical bar | The OutputCharacterOrCharacters may also be the 4 digit Unicode number of a character in the form %u1D3F (To find the Unicode number of a given symbol... In Microsoft Word, type the character, highlight it and then press Alt+x. You can also find the symbol if you are given the Unicode number using the same method. Once the add-on is installed and set up, when you are in a text field on any website you type the input character then press the insert key and it is changed to the output character. Below is the interpretion the first line of the text that I've created... i=∫|s=√|√=√[]|I=∞|P=∂|S=Σ|O=Ω|F=Φ|h=ℎ|ℎ=ℏ|ℏ=ħ|ħ=h| i>∫ (Integral symbol) s>√ (The first time you type 's' and then press the insert key you get √) √>√[] (The second time you press the insert key you get √ plus square brackets) I>∞ (Capital i is changed to the infinity symbol) P>∂ (Capital P for "Partial" is changed to the partial integration symbol) S>Σ (Capital S to Capital Sigma) O>Ω (Ohms) F>Φ (Φ is the uppercase Greek Phi symbol pronounced "Fy" h>ℎ>ℏ>ħ (Typing 'h' and pressing the insert key repeatedly takes you through several versions of Plank's constant) Second line of text... a=α|b=β|g=γ|e=ε|t=θ|k=κ|l=λ|m=μ|n=ν|p=π|r=ρ|g=σ|f=φ|y=ψ|o=ω| These are some of the common lower case Greek letters a=α| (Alpha) b=β| (Beta) g=γ| (Gamma) e=ε| (Epsilon) t=θ| (Theta) k=κ| (Kappa) l=λ| (Lambda) m=μ| (mu) n=ν| (nu) p=π| (Pi) r=ρ| (Rho) g=σ| (Sigma, Lower case s was used) f=φ| (Lower case Phi symbol, pronounced fy) y=ψ| (Lower case Psi symbol pronounced sy ('s' symbol was already used)) o=ω| (Omega) Third line of text... α=β|β=γ|γ=δ|δ=ε|ε=ζ|ζ=η|η=θ|θ=ι|ι=κ|κ=λ|λ=μ|μ=ν|ν=ξ| ξ=ο|ο=π|π=ρ|ρ=σ|σ=τ|τ=υ|υ=φ|φ=χ|χ=ψ|ψ=ω|ω=α| This line of text lets you get any of the lower Greek letters by first creating one of the ones you know and then repeatedly pressing the insert key until you get to the one you want. Next line of text... D=Δ|Δ=∇|∇=Σ|Σ=Φ|Φ=Ψ|Ψ=Ω|Ω=Δ| The capital D symbol gives you the capital Greek Delta symbol, pressing insert again gives you the del symbol ∇ used for divergence, curl and the Laplacian. Note: You can access all of the Greek letters and many other symbols by right clicking in the text field and going to abcTajpu in the context menu. Next line of text... 0=⁰|⁰=₀|₀=⁰|1=¹|¹=₁|₁=¹|2=²|²=₂|₂=²|3=³|³=₃|₃=³|4=⁴|⁴=₄|₄=⁴| -=⁻|⁻=₋|₋=⁺|⁺=₊|₊=∓|∓=±|±=⁻|n=ⁿ| The part ⇒ 0=⁰|⁰=₀|₀=⁰| lets you type 0 then press Insert to get a superscripted 0 then press insert again to get a subscripted zero. It is the same for the numbers 1 through to 4 The part ⇒ -=⁻|⁻=₋|₋=⁺|⁺=₊|₊=∓|∓=±|±=⁻| gives you the superscripted plus and negative symbols (⁻ ₋ ⁺ ₊ ) as well as the plus and negative symbols together (∓±). Type the negative symbol - and then the insert key repeatedly. Finally, ⇒ n=ⁿ| , the letter 'n' can be superscripted. Next line of text... 12/=½|13/=⅓|14/=¼|15/=⅕|16/=⅙|23/=⅔|34/=¾|25/=⅖|35/=⅗|45/=⅘| To get a fraction, type the numerator and denominator and then the forward slash, then the Insert key. Note: The slash comes after the numerator and denominator. Next line of text... A=↑|↑=↓|↓=→|→=←|←=↔|↔=⇒|⇒=⇔|⇔=↑| Type 'A' then the Insert key repeatedly, to get a selection of arrows Next line of text... %u003D=≈|≈=≠|≠=∝|∝=≡|≡=≥|≥=≤|≤=%u003D| Type the equal sign '=' then the Insert key repeatedly to get the selection of equivalency symbols. "003D" is the Unicode for the equal sign. Next line of text... E=∈|∈=∅|∅=⊂|⊂=⊆|⊆=∪|∪=∩|∩=∈| Type 'E' then the Insert key repeatedly to get the selection of symbols use in set notation. Next line of text... C=©|©=•|•=-|-=ħ|ħ=•|•=×|×=©| Type 'C' then the Insert key repeatedly to go through a selection of odds and ends. The add-on can be used to quickly insert commonly used equations, phases or even paragraphs. If you want to start a new paragraph in your comment you have to use the Carriage Return Unicode 000D and write "%u000D" I've included a few comments and equations that I use. Note: I've chosen to end all InputCharacter sets that output a sentence with the exclamation mark !. This turns out to be useful. Ek!=Ek%u003D½mv²| (This is the Kinetic Energy formula, Ek=½mv², you have to use the Unicode number for the equal sign) dca!=d%u003Dd₀+v₀t+½at² (Distance with Constant Acceleration formula) wwe!=, "The World's Encyclopedia"| fgfa!=For the great Firefox add-on used to insert the mathematical symbols in this answer, and detailed instructions, search "abcTajpu" in Yahoo Answers or go this link. https:/XXXXXXXXXXXXXX| Concerning the X's above, at the time I was posting this text I could not at the same time know the name of this link so you would have to cut and paste it. Note: The add-on's help instructions talk about needing to hold down the Ctrl+Shift+Alt keys while pressing the insert key, that not my experience. If you have any corrections, comments or formulas you would like to share with me and others, add comments to this "Question", I will be extending the time this Question is Open so that I can modify it. I will be posting this "question" several times more in the different Yahoo Answers sections to reach more people (This, given the time it took me to create it). email me if you use the add-on and want to know of any over sights I've made or of any good suggestions that come up. ==========================

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