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You can do a saline nasal wash (Google for directions), or just use a saline nasal spray. It helps a lot and you can use the nasal spray often, as it's not harmful. Use your thumb to put pressure on your face just below your eyes. Press as hard as you can stand too. You will feel tingling and it will hurt some. Hold it as long as you can, then when you let go, your nose should unclog.

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Q: How do you unclog one side of your sinuses so you can breathe?
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How come when you sleep on one side youre congested on the other side?

Gravity. When you sleep on one side, your maxillary sinuses drain - such that the one "above" drains into the one "below". This usually causes the sleeper to switch to the other side, so as to get relief - in reverse. Switching from one side to the other does actually help a little. When fluid in the sinuses is mobile, it tends not to congeal - and is "processed" better, limiting the problem, overall.

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One could find instructions on how to unclog a toilet by going to the Art of Manliness website. The website has instruction on how a person can unclog a toilet.

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Functions of the sinuses?

The sinuses help to lighten the skull, provide resonance to the voice, insulate sensitive structures like the eyes and brain, produce mucus to trap foreign particles, and humidify and filter the air we breathe.

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You can unclog a drain using multiple techniques. One of the most popular ways is to use a draining liquid such as Draino, and pour it down the drain.

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You most likely have a deviated septum.

What is the reason for sinuses in the skull?

No one knows exactly what purpose the cranial venous sinuses serve in the skull. The para-nasal sinuses help to add humidity and warmth to the air that is breathed. They also lighten the weight of the skull.

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you uhh buy a new one

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The cranial cavity is the primary cavity of the skull; it contains the brain. In addition, the skull has four other pairs of cavities called sinuses. They are the frontal sinuses, maxillary sinuses, sphenoid sinuses, and ethmoid sinuses.