One century=100 years So you could say in the next cenutry my cat will pass away. So in translation you said "In the next 100 years my cat will pass away". Basically century is used as another word for "100 years"
15th Century by Johannes Widmann
There is no special word. You could use "quarter century".
From the Etruscans but they changed the numbers. The Roman system came into use in the 4th Century, but the symbols that we learn weren't introduced until the 1st Century.
Woodblock printing i thinking
Yes. Coins go back to Roman times and even earlier.
what technologies do later 2oth century kites use
al khwarizmi in the 20th century
The calendar in use.
To get the century, just use the next number up. So the 12-hundreds would be the 13th century.
15th Century by Johannes Widmann
The 18th century was called the century of lights because people began to want to use their reason and improve their intelligence.
in the 17th century
When you are naming a Century, capitalize it: Ireland was a beacon of civilization in the Fourth Century. When you are referring to the passage of time, do not: In this fourth century of her history, let us help our Country keep the promises of freedom and justice made in the first three.
First, use proper grammar, second, this century?
The seventeenth Century (ie 1600 to 1699). People use the little c for century