If you take two values A and B, the rules of logs imply:
A * B = log A + log B = log (A+B)
To put it simply you find the of the two values, sum them and then find the value of the resulting log.
and addition is generally easier to perform than multiplication so the result of the logs can be added together. It was used more frequently before the use of pocket calculators and people used tables of logarithms to do multiplication.
No, they are opposites, just like multiplication and division are opposites.
Logarithm tables help you work with logarithms without using a calculator. Calculating a logarithm can be a long process. A table eliminates the need to perform extra math. If you need a specific logarithm, you simply look it up. The calculator was invented in the 1970's. Before that, people used slide rules or tables of logarithms. Using the tables of logarithms, you could perform multiplication, division, find roots or powers - and do all of that fairly easily.
It is a functional relationship which has an input and an output. Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, reciprocals, exponentials, logarithms are all examples.
Logarithms turn multiplication into addition, which is much faster. The same applies for division, except that the logs are subtracted. Using logarithms, finding roots or powers is easy. For example, the square root of a number can be found using 1/2 times the logarithm (plus one more step). Finding square roots is something that happens often in algebra. If you did not have a calculator, square roots would be hard without logarithms.
No, they are opposites, just like multiplication and division are opposites.
Logarithm tables help you work with logarithms without using a calculator. Calculating a logarithm can be a long process. A table eliminates the need to perform extra math. If you need a specific logarithm, you simply look it up. The calculator was invented in the 1970's. Before that, people used slide rules or tables of logarithms. Using the tables of logarithms, you could perform multiplication, division, find roots or powers - and do all of that fairly easily.
Before the invention of the calculator, people needed to perform math by hand. Using tables of logarithms greatly sped up the common tasks of multiplication, division, powers and roots. Today, people use devices or scales that are based on logarithms. Music volume is based on a logarithmic scale. Every time you turn the volume up, you are doing something based on logarithms. Earthquakes are based on a logarithmic scale. Every time that you hear about an earthquake on the news, the earthquake is described in reference to a scale based on logarithms. Earthquakes happen daily all over the world.
Before the invention of the calculator, people needed to perform math by hand. Using tables of logarithms greatly sped up the common tasks of multiplication, division, powers and roots. Today, people use devices or scales that are based on logarithms. Music volume is based on a logarithmic scale. Every time you turn the volume up, you are doing something based on logarithms. Earthquakes are based on a logarithmic scale. Every time that you hear about an earthquake on the news, the earthquake is described in reference to a scale based on logarithms. Earthquakes happen daily all over the world.
A table of logarithms, multiplication table, table salt, Table Mountain.
Mechanical calculators could perform basic arithmetic functions such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. They could also perform more complex calculations such as square roots and logarithms depending on the model and design. Mechanical calculators were used before electronic calculators became prevalent.
Electrical engineers use logarithms to work on signal Decay.
It is a functional relationship which has an input and an output. Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, reciprocals, exponentials, logarithms are all examples.
Nobody needs to learn how to use logarithms to perform arithmetic, however, logarithms are still a significant part of mathematical theory, and you can do many other things with them, aside from arithmetic.
John Napier is best known as the discoverer of logarithms. He was also inventor of Napier's Bones. Which were multiplication tables written on strips of wood or bones. The invention was used for multiplying, dividing, and taking square roots and cube roots. He also made common the use of the decimal point in math.