In finding the LCM or HCF of two or more numbers
well you use them for math
weather and sports
Yes they are most likely used in your everyday life- even if you don't realize it. Computers use prime numbers in the encryption techniques. If you log in to a website in secure mode, most likely prime numbers are being used, but you don't even know about it.
Use the prime factorizations to determine the GCF. If the GCF is 1, the numbers are relatively prime. If the two numbers have no prime factors in common, they are relatively prime.
In finding the LCM or HCF of two or more numbers
well you use them for math
For computations and Measurement ;))
your weight
weather and sports
Cryptography - that is, generating security codes for encryption of data.
Yes they are most likely used in your everyday life- even if you don't realize it. Computers use prime numbers in the encryption techniques. If you log in to a website in secure mode, most likely prime numbers are being used, but you don't even know about it.
In every math problem you can ever do you can use prime numbers. 1+3 Both prime numbers. Most numbers are not prime but prime numbers only become a broblem when you try to factor them like in simple algebra.
Signed numbers are used for:TemperatureMoney, Accounting, or EconomyMath Problems
Natural numbers are all the counting numbers excluding zero and all negative numbers. People use these in everyday life to count, add, subtract, and even with money purposes
Use the prime factorizations to determine the GCF. If the GCF is 1, the numbers are relatively prime. If the two numbers have no prime factors in common, they are relatively prime.
Prime numbers are prime numbers - whether we count in the decimal, binary, hexadecimal or another base.