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Show me the quantitative analysis of your data on the population census of 2005.

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Q: How do you use quantitative in sentence?
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Use the word quantitative in a sentence?

We had to use quantitative reasoning to solve the energy crisis.

How do you use quantitative in a sentence?

The measures can be either quantitative or qualitative, or a mixture of both.

How do you use quantitative observation in a sentence?

Quantitative observations were made to describe the dimensions of the property.

What is a simple sentence for the word quantitative?

Experts do quantitative analysis after a budget.

Is there a sentence for the word quantitative?

"The professors observations on the insect population in Brazil were all quantitative."

How can you use the word quotient in a sentence?

Numerical data is quantitative data.She performed a quantitative study.Using quantitative and qualitative procedures in a study is called a mixed methods study.

How do you make a sentence with the phrase quantitative observation?

Scientists often find that quantitative observation is more important than qualitative observation.

What is a Quantitative Observation with five example?

The word "quantitative" is from the root word quantity. So, a quantitative observation is one that can be quantified or counted. Any time you count or physically measure something, it is a quantitative observation. Since it is your homework you should come up with your own examples :)

How do quantitative observations differ from qualitative observations?

quatitative observations have to do with QUANTITY and qualitative observations have to do with QUALITY.

What is an example of a qualitative sentence?

"The sky was a brilliant shade of orange during the sunset."

What is the two programs that sociologists and many students use for quantitative analysis are?

There are a variety of quantitative analysis programs that sociologists and students use. These include the programs SPSS, as well as STATA.

What is quantitative approach?

A quantitative approach is always dealing with a quantity or numbers of some sort to prove a point. With the use of quantitative approach we improve our decision making power. It is especially useful in planning and control.