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Rational function can be used in real life in modeling multi-person work problems.

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Q: How do you use rational function in real life?
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Where do you use rational numbers in real life?

Everywhere, you say I want one apple, or twocookies; both rational numbers.

Use of linear function in real life?

Your age is a linear function (of time).

Real life example of rational exponents?

A rational exponent is an exponent in the form of a fraction. Many financial formulas use rational exponents. Compound interest is formula that uses rational exponents.

When are you going to use solving rational expression in real life?

In 7th grade trust me im doing it right now its a little hard!

IS the rational function to study the relationships of inverse variation?

A study of inverse relationships is one of a very large number of uses for rational functions. Only a rational function of a very special kind will be of any use.

How can you interpret thr ordering of rational numbers in real world situations?

In the real world you can use the order of rational numbers. This is used a lot in math.

How can you use positive rational numbers in real life?

Every time you think or say a positive, whole, or fractioned, number, you use positive rational numbers. You might say that you are 19 years old; or that yor birthday is on January 5th etc.

How does polynomial function exist in real life?

As with most advanced math, if your "real life" involves engineering work, you will use such math; otherwise, you will hardly have anything to do, in this case, with polynomial functions.

When do use denominator in the real world?

Whenever we are dealing with rational fractions.

What are the examples for rational numbers in daily life?

use in counting

What real-life situation in which you would use a rational number with a numerator that is greater than the denominator?

-- any time you order 1/2 pound of something in the deli

What is an example of real life square root function?

electricians use the Square Root function when connecting 3 way outlets with the electral current of an intel processor.