Variable means subject to change, able to vary or differ.
Example : "In summer, the mountain weather was always variable."
In algebra, a variable is a symbol, usually a letter, that represents one or more unknown or changing number.
Example : "The variable is found using the proper equation."
Answer 1 == In an open sentence (an equation or inequality with a variable in it), when a number replacing the variable makes the sentence true, then it is a solution.
i am testing a independent variable for my plant it was worth
a variable expression
The variable is x.
You could say, "Today in our science experiment we had to figure out what the dependent variable was"
My manipulated variable was affected by the independent variable.
the water in the experiment was the dependent variable in this situation
The wind around here is extremely variable - you can never predict it.
You could say, "Today in our science experiment we had to figure out what the dependent variable was"
Here is a example. "I wrote variable in a sentence."
use loaves in a meaningful sentence
it can be used by putting it in front of the sentence and you make the variable a point
My rates are variable, depending upon how difficult the job is.In the algebraic equation "4x-8=32," "x" is the variable.The variable of this proublem will be x.
Answer 1 == In an open sentence (an equation or inequality with a variable in it), when a number replacing the variable makes the sentence true, then it is a solution.
Make a sentence using hypothesis, controlled experiment and variable. Make a sentence using hypothesis, controlled experiment and variable.
We used 3 kinds of soaps in the experiment, which each was an independent variable.