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By multiplying the percentage number then dividing the end result by 100.

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Q: How do you work out a percentage of something?
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How do you work out the percent of something?

example: 70% of £600 70% x 600 = £420 you have to times the percentage by the number

What is discount percentage?

It is the percentage by which the cost of something is reduced.

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The percentage of people that work out daily is 78%

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88 percentage

How can one work out a percentage of something?

All one has to do to work out the percentage is take the lesser amount and divide it by the total amount the multiply by 100. For example if one wants to find the percent they got on a test, and they got 25/30 all they would have to do is do 25 / 30 * 100 which equals 83.33%

Percentage of work in to work out?

I think it is efficiency.;)

What percentage of relationships that start in high school make it to something bigger?

a slim few but i say just hope that everything will work out and if he really loves you and cares about you then he'll prove it by making an effort to get it to really work out.

What is rate base and percentage?

a rate is a comparison of something. A percentage is always a comparison to 100.

How do you find the percentage of something on a scientific calculator?

change the percentage to a decimal than divide it.

What percentage is 66 out of 100?

66%. If something is a fraction out of 100, the numerator is the same as the percentage.

What term is used to describe the percentage that is taxed?

The percentage at which something is taxed is the Tax Rate.