Start from the left end. Use the first digit only. If it is bigger than 7, then you can take 1 seven from it, so start your answer with "1" and take that seven away. That leaves you with a first number less than seven. Always, if the first number is less than seven then use the first two numbers instead. You now have the first number of your answer, and the what is left of your original number to deal with. Do exactly the same again, (if you can take 2 sevens, write 2 and take off 14, or 6 sevens write 6 and take off 42 etc) tagging the next stage answer to the right of your first stage answer. Keep going.
The seventh smallest prime number is 17.
To write 7 as an ordinal number, you would write it as "seventh."
7 x 7=49 so that is the 17th square number
Yes, the ordinal number seventh (7th) can be an adverb. It can also be an adjective (e.g. seventh child) or a noun (as for the fraction one seventh).*The other adverb form "seventhly" is very seldom seen.
The seventh is violet.
The seventh smallest prime number is 17.
His favorite number is 7. Seven because he is the seventh child born
49 is the seventh hope this answer comes in handy!
To write 7 as an ordinal number, you would write it as "seventh."
28"21" but to be extra smart the answer is "The seventh triangular number is twenty one."
The ordinal number 77th is spelled "seventy-seventh."
It is: 14
The answer is 14.
Gen:2:2: And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. Gen:2:3: And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made.
Number Seven is the most powerful number. She references it often. Seventh month. Seventh child. Seven Horcruxs.