

Best Answer

-- Understand the question.

-- Understand the information you're given with the question.

-- Use the information you're given, the math you know, and whatever else
you understand about the particular situation described in the problem, to
derive the answer to the question that is asked.

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Q: How do you work out overtime math questions?
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By answering the questions correctly with work shown.

When is overtime?

Overtime is work done outside your normal daily hours. If you normally work an eight hour day, but work an extra hour one day. That extra hour is overtime, and overtime is often paid at a higher rate.

Why schools endure overtime?

If you have a union where you work, overtime is often limited for workers in school. If you are being forced to work overtime which is unfair, you should join a union.

Can you answer these math questions?

To answer your math questions. You must state your question for it to be answered.

How can you improve your NJ ASK Math score?

Do hard work, solve the same questions frequently.

How many meters are in 36cm?

this questions needs only a bit of math to work out its 0.36 meters.

How do you reply to the weaknesses questions when interviewing?

I simply answer it through honestly admitting weaknesses and things that I still need to work on. The willingness to work on those weaknesses proves that you are not a prideful person and that you can work on those weaknesses overtime.

Do computer engineers work overtime?

If they have to correct a fault in an important corporation's IT system, they may well work overtime.

Is it legal not to be paid for overtime?

You're supposed to be paid more if you work overtime.