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The capacity of a cylinder is its volume which is the area of an end times the cylinder's length (height). If the cylinder has radius r and length h, its volume (capacity) is:


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Q: How do you work out the capacity of a cylindar?
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How do you find the height of a cylindar?

Measure it.

What is a 2 cylindar?

Engine with 2 pistons.

How do you adjust the clutch on a 1992 Nissan Pathfinder?

You have a hydraulic clutch, most if not all of this type do not have an adjustment. Most likely suspect is the slave cylindar on the transmission. That or the master cylindar, but the slave is more likely. Put a repair kit in or replace slave cylindar. Neither is very costly.

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How do you check and add clutch fluid on 1989 Honda CRX si?

Under the hood, right beside the brake master cylindar. Should be the clutch master cylindar.

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The capacity to do work is energy. The capacity to produce light is luminosity.

How many valves does a 305 have?

2 per cylindar equals 16

What is the scientifical meaning of force?

Force is the capacity to do work or cause physical change.The capacity to do work or cause physical change.

Where is the spark plug at on a 1997 Honda 250?

Depends on what we are talking about. There is the Honda Recon 250 ATV with a single cylindar engine, the spark plug is located at the cylinder head. The Honda Hornet motorcycle is a 4 cylindar bike with the spark plugs at the side of the cylinder heads. Then there is the single cylindar Honda Nighthawk 250 one cylindar motorcycle with the spark plug located at the side of the cylinder hear. The spark plug is easily located on any vehicle as it is visible by a thick wire and a (usually) rubber spark plug cap.

What is the cylindar compresion ratio on a 1.3 Chevy Metro engine?

9.5 to one

How much is a 1987 four cylindar Toyota pickup worth?

what ever you can sell it for