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Circumference = pi*diameter or 2*pi*radius

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Q: How do you work out the circumference from the diameter?
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How do you work out diameter from using circumference?

EDIT: To find the diameter, using the circumference - you divide the circumference by the value of Pi - Snakester1962 (Supervisor)

How do you work out the diameter if you have the circumference of a circle?

Divide the circumference by 3.14159265 (3.14 for rough approximation) to find the diameter of a circle.

Was does Pi equall?

It is the ratio of the circumference (C) and the diameter (D) of a circle. Using pi and the diameter of a circle, you can work out the circumference.

How do you work out edge of a circle from diameter?

diameter X pi = circumference What you call edge is usually called circumference. pi = 3.1416

How does a diameter work?

it uses to find out thearea and circumference of circle. diameter=2*radius

What is the diameter of a circle with 52cm as circumference?

16.55cm - If you want to work it out, you will need to divide the circumference by pi.

How do you work out diameter given circumference?

Circumference of a circle = diameter*pi Diameter of a circle = circumference/pi

How do you work out the circumferance if the diameter is 100mm?

circumference = pi*100mm

How do you work out a circumference?

The answer will depend on what information you have: radius, area, diameter.

How do you work out pi in a circle?

The value of pi = circumference/diameter

How do you work out diameter when given circumference?

Divide the cirumference by 3.14

How do you get diameter from circumference?

Circumference is Pi x Diameter so do Circumference divided by Pi to get the diameter :)