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I know that the minimum speed is at the heighest point when the x axis is 0 because no gravity is acting on it. And i know you are supposed to use this formula xcosa but i dont understand why? Please help exam soon!!!!

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Q: How do you work out the minimum speed of a projectile?
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At what part of the trajectory does a projectile have minimum speed?

A projectile has minimum speed at the top of the trajectory.

At what part of a path does a projectile have minimum speed?

The projectile have minimum speed when it is in top of prabolic and it have max sped when it is in intial point

Ignoring air resistance what is the minimum initial speed a projectile must have at the Earths surface if the projectile is to escape the Earths gravitational pull?

The minimum initial speed for a projectile to escape Earth's gravitational pull (escape velocity) is about 11.2 km/s. This speed is independent of the mass of the projectile and is based on the balance between the projectile's kinetic energy and gravitational potential energy. Any speed greater than the escape velocity will allow the projectile to escape Earth's gravitational pull.

What is the minimum speed for a projectile to go in orbit?

The minimum speed for a projectile to achieve orbit around the Earth, known as orbital velocity, is approximately 17,500 miles per hour (28,000 kilometers per hour) when launched from the Earth's surface. This speed allows the projectile to balance the pull of gravity with the force of its forward motion, resulting in a stable orbit.

Projectile is travelling at 1429 fts. What is the speed of this projectile in kmh?

The speed of the projectile is 974.15 km/h.

With out air pressure at what point or points in its path does a projectile have its minimum speed and its maximum?

A projectile experiences its maximum speed at the moment it is launched or released and its minimum speed at the highest point in its trajectory, which is when it momentarily stops moving upward before beginning to fall back down due to gravity.

What will be range of projectile if its initial speed is doubled?

Doubling the initial speed of a projectile will quadruple its range, assuming all other factors remain constant. This is because the range of a projectile is directly proportional to the square of its initial speed.

What is maximum momentum and minimum momentum in projectile motion?

You are wrong

What is the value of the vertical speed at the highest point of the projectile's trajectory?

The vertical speed at the highest point of a projectile's trajectory is zero. This is because at the peak of the trajectory, the projectile momentarily stops ascending and starts descending, resulting in a velocity of zero in the vertical direction.

What is the speed of a projectile equal to at its highest point?

At the highest point of its trajectory, the speed of a projectile is equal to zero as it momentarily stops before starting to descend.

If the initial speed of a projectile is doubled?

If the initial speed of a projectile is doubled, the projectile will have four times the kinetic energy compared to its initial state. This is because kinetic energy is proportional to the square of the velocity. The maximum height reached by the projectile will also be higher, as it will have more energy to overcome gravity.

What minimum initial velocity must a projectile have to reach a target 90km away?

The minimum initial velocity required for a projectile to reach a target 90 km away depends on the angle at which the projectile is launched, as well as the effects of air resistance and other factors. A common approach is to use projectile motion equations to determine the initial velocity needed for the projectile to cover the horizontal distance of 90 km in the given conditions.