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Q: How do you work out three quarters of 15?
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There are 15 quarters in 3 and 3/4 because 15/4 = 3 and 3/4

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Three quarters of a metre = 0.75 metres.

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There is no such thing as having three-quarters of a handicap

How many quarters make 3.75 dollars?

There are 4 quarters in one dollar. Three of them then have 3X4 =12 quarters. There are three more in seventy five cents (0.75). All together there are 12+3 =15 quarters.

What is three fourths of 20?

three fourth (or three quarters) of 20 = 15

What is three quarters of twenty?

One quarter of 20 is 5, so three quarters of 20 is 15.

How do you work out three quarters of something?

You can work out three quarters of something by dividing by the numerator (bottom number) which would be 4 by the number you are finding three quarters of. Then you would times the answer of that by the denominator (Top number) and you will have the answer. For example: 3/4 of 60 60 divided by 4 = 15 15 times 3 = 45 So, 3/4 of 60 = 45 Or you could find a quarter of the number and take the quarter away from the whole number.

How do you work out three quarters of 120?

three quarters of 120=90120/4=3030*3= 90

What is three quarters of 15 pounds?

11.25 pounds.

What is 3 4ths of 15?

Three quarters of 15 is equal to 0.75 x 15 = 11.25.

How do you find three quarters of 15?

By multipliction: 3/4 times 15 = 11.25

Is 75 three quarters of an hour?

No, 1 quarter of a hour is 15 minutes, so 3 quarters of a hour is 45 minutes. In quarters, an your goes 15, 30, 45, 60.