.0525 LBS
If an alloy is 5.25% copper, convert 5.25% to decimal as .0525. Multiply .0525 by 200 to yield 10.5 pounds.
You can write the ratio as 336 : 416
If our ratio was 3:4. Then we would write it as 3/4. Formula A:B = A/B.
0.833 written as a ratio is 833:1000.
You could write it as 45/1.
You can write a ratio three ways. Ex: 2/9, 2 to 9 or 2:9
This is how you write a ratio. If you have 3 male ducks and 8 female ducks the ratio is 3:8.
3 ways to write a ratio is using : to / Example, 4:5 4to5 4/5
11:33 is 11 over 33 as ratio :)
ratio... yes