XXIIX-IX-IXImproved Answer:-In today's notation of Roman numerals it is: XXVIII-IX-IX
If you write September 09 2009 as 09-09-2009 then you can write using these numerals IX (9) and MM = 2000, so 09-09-2009 becomes IX.IX.MMIX
09 in Roman Numerals is written as IX
20 + 7 + 09 + 001 = 37
3.664*109 or 3.664 e+09
Eine Billion Dollar was created in 2001-09.
Billion Dollar Limited was created on 1942-01-09.
1e+09 is equal to that of 1 billion.
On 09/09/2015 the US dollar was worth 63.78 Indian rupees. Therefore 2.5 billion US dollars are worth 159.45 billion Indian rupees.
The ISBN of Billion-Dollar Brain is 0-09-985710-3.
XXIIX-IX-IXImproved Answer:-In today's notation of Roman numerals it is: XXVIII-IX-IX
If you write September 09 2009 as 09-09-2009 then you can write using these numerals IX (9) and MM = 2000, so 09-09-2009 becomes IX.IX.MMIX
4.3 billion for fiscal '09
Beyond Standard was created on 2008-01-09.