To write 1.12 as a decimal, you simply write it as it is. In decimal form, 1.12 remains the same. The whole number part stays to the left of the decimal point, and the decimal part stays to the right. So, 1.12 written as a decimal is 1.12.
one and twelve hundredths as a decimal and fraction = 1.12 and 112/100 or 28/25.
112% would be 1.12 as a decimal (1.12 times something would result in 112% of the original value)
112 = 70 hex
You would write it as 1 12/100 - which can be simplified if you so wish. Alternatively, you could write it as the decimal fraction: 1.12
112 = CXII
112 inches = 9.33... feet.
1/12 = 0.0833 . . .