To convert a number to a percent, multiply by 100: 1.25 x 100 = 125%
125% = 1.25
125 percent (1.25) as a mixed number is: 11/4
80 = 125 x 100
5/4125%= 125/100 or 5/4 in fraction
125% = 1.25
125/100 = 1.25 = 125%
125 percent (1.25) as a mixed number is: 11/4
80 = 125 x 100
5/4125%= 125/100 or 5/4 in fraction
5/4 = 125%
First, you can write 125.000 as simply 125.Next, 10% of 125 is 12.5So 125-12.5 = 112.5
0.024 = 24/1000 = 3/125
125/1000 which is also equal to 1/8