It is: 3,850,000,000 or 3.85*109 in scientific notation
It is: 4,200,000,000 or as 4.2*109 in scientific notation
It is: 1,226,000,000 or as 1.226*109 in scientific notation
1,000,000,000 (US or short scale, 1 x 109)
If by billion you mean an American billion (109), 1,900,000,000. If you mean a British billion (1012), put 3 more 0s on to the end.
It is: 3,850,000,000 or 3.85*109 in scientific notation
It is: 4,200,000,000 or as 4.2*109 in scientific notation
It is: 1,226,000,000 or as 1.226*109 in scientific notation
1,000,000,000 (US or short scale, 1 x 109)
If by billion you mean an American billion (109), 1,900,000,000. If you mean a British billion (1012), put 3 more 0s on to the end.
4.3 billion = 4.3 × 109
1 billion = 1.0 × 109
4,000,000,000 or 4.0 × 109
1,027,000,000 or 1.027*109
6,900,000,000 or 6.9 × 109
4,700,000,000 or 4.7 × 109
109 and 1012