One hundred dollars
Five hundred two dollars and twenty centsFor checks: five hundred two and 20/100 dollars
$380.00three hundred eighty dollarsFor checks: three hundred eighty and 00/100 dollars
Six hundred six dollarsFor checks: six hundred six and 00/100 dollars$606.00
One thousand six hundred and 00/100 dollars
One hundred dollars
Seventy Five Hundred and 00/100 dollars
Three hundred eight and 00/100 dollars
Three hundred six and 00/100 dollars
Two-Hundred Thirty Dollars and 00/100-------------
Seven hundred thirty and 00/100 dollars
Three hundred seven and 00/100 dollars
Three hundred three and 00/100 dollars
One-Hundred Thousands and no/100's (assuming of course one has that much money in their checking account).
You can write: One Thousand Four Hundred Forty-One and 36/100 dollars. Or you could write: Fourteen Hundred Forty-One and 36/100 dollars.
One hundred ninety and 40/100 dollars".write
Eleven thousand two hundred and 00/100 dollars