10.20 is written as: one thousand twenty.
3% of 1020 = 3% * 1020 = 0.03 * 1020 = 30.6
300,000,000,000,000,000,000 or 3 x 1020
It is: 1020
3% of 1020= 3% * 1020= 0.03 * 1020= 30.6
1020 in numbers
2.348 × 1020
500,000,000,000,000,000,000 or in scientific notation: 5 * 1020
10.20 is written as: one thousand twenty.
It is: 1.5*1020
One thousand twenty dollars
340, 680, 1020.
3% of 1020 = 3% * 1020 = 0.03 * 1020 = 30.6
300,000,000,000,000,000,000 or 3 x 1020
It is: 1020
3% of 1020= 3% * 1020= 0.03 * 1020= 30.6