To write 1056 in Roman numerals, you can use the symbols M (1000), L (50), and VI (6). Therefore, 1056 in Roman numerals is written as MLVI.
Restate the question: If you can write a fraction as a decimal, can you write a decimal as a fraction?Yes.
how do you write 4.25 as a fraction
0.538 You can write this in fraction as :- = 538 / 1000 (answer)
2/3 * 1056 = 704
1056 is an integer and not a fraction. However, it can be expressed in rational form as 1056/1. You can also calculate equivalent rational fractions if you multiply both, its numerator and denominator, by any non-zero integer.
To write 1056 in Roman numerals, you can use the symbols M (1000), L (50), and VI (6). Therefore, 1056 in Roman numerals is written as MLVI.
6/8, 33/44, and 792/1056 are all equal to 3/4 .
The answer will depend on what the fraction is.
Restate the question: If you can write a fraction as a decimal, can you write a decimal as a fraction?Yes.
how do you write 4.25 as a fraction
1056 * 17 = 17,952
To write the number foruteen as a fraction you write: 14/1.
0.538 You can write this in fraction as :- = 538 / 1000 (answer)
2/3 * 1056 = 704