To write the number 9 in Roman numerals, you would use the symbol 'IX'. This is made by combining the Roman numeral for 1, 'I', and the Roman numeral for 10, 'X', subtracting 1 from 10.
The date 07-10-1994 in Roman numerals would be VII.X.MCMXCIV
CCXXIX is the number 229 in roman numeral. To write 9 we have to do IX that is 10-1.
31 in Roman numerals is XXXI which is equivalent to: 10+10+10+1 = 31
10 written in roman numeral is X
To write the number 9 in Roman numerals, you would use the symbol 'IX'. This is made by combining the Roman numeral for 1, 'I', and the Roman numeral for 10, 'X', subtracting 1 from 10.
The date 07-10-1994 in Roman numerals would be VII.X.MCMXCIV
CCXXIX is the number 229 in roman numeral. To write 9 we have to do IX that is 10-1.
31 in Roman numerals is XXXI which is equivalent to: 10+10+10+1 = 31
XI (10+1=11)
XXXX (40) or XL (50-10)
Ten is represented by an X.
To write 13000 in Roman numerals, you would use the numeral "X" for 10, followed by the numeral "M" for 1000 three times, resulting in "XXXM".
Roman numeral values: M=1000, D=500, C=100, L=50, X=10, V=5 and I=1
It is: (((CCCLXX))) which means 10*10*1000*370 = 37,000,000