5792 in base 10
$1090 - one thousand and ninety $1009 - one thousand and nine
11,011 is how you write eleven thousand eleven
Seventeen thousand is 17,000 in numbers.
Normally you have a hundred thousand, not thousand hundred. and it is 100,000
100000 = 1 lakh 1000000 = 10 lakhs 1050000 = 10 lakhs 50 thousand
5792 in base 10
$1090 - one thousand and ninety $1009 - one thousand and nine
11,011 is how you write eleven thousand eleven
seventeen thousand --- In numbers that would be written as 17000 ... or 17,000
In numbers it is: 77,000
6,000 and 5,000
In words . . . . . "forty thousand". In numbers . . . 40,000 .
Seventeen thousand is 17,000 in numbers.
Normally you have a hundred thousand, not thousand hundred. and it is 100,000
Fourty-five thousand ( you are suposed to spell anything under 10 if it's over that though you write it in numbers