125% = 1.25
To change a decimal to a percent, you move the decimal point two to the right. So... .125 = 12.5%
Shift the decimal point of 125.0 % two places to the left, getting 1.25
To convert a percent to a decimal, remove the % sign and divide by 100 or equivalently move the decimal point two places to the left. Example 12.5 % = .125
You divide percent values by 100 to get the decimal notation: 125 / 100 = 1.25
125% = 1.25
To change a decimal to a percent, you move the decimal point two to the right. So... .125 = 12.5%
0.024 = 24/1000 = 3/125
Shift the decimal point of 125.0 % two places to the left, getting 1.25
To convert a percent to a decimal, remove the % sign and divide by 100 or equivalently move the decimal point two places to the left. Example 12.5 % = .125
You divide percent values by 100 to get the decimal notation: 125 / 100 = 1.25
You divide percent values by 100 to get the decimal equivalent: 125 / 100 = 1.25
5/4 = 11/4 = 1.25 or 125%
To convert 125% to decimal:1. Remove the % sign.2. Divide 125 by 100.125%= 1.25 in decimal
57/125 written as a decimal is 0.456
0.08 & 0.125 Write both to three decimal points. Hence 0.080 & 0.125 Drop the prefix zero and decimal point 080 & 125 ; 80 & 125 Since 125 > 80 Then 0.1256 > 0.080 ; 0.125 > 0.08