If you want it in numbers it's 42,000,120 If you want it in words it's forty-two million one hundred-twenty
120 is an integer. Integers aren't fractions or mixed numbers. You can write 120 as 120/1 or 119 and 4/4, but it wouldn't be in simplest form. The simplest form of any integer is the integer itself.
$120,000,000.00On a check: One hundred twenty million and 00/100 dollars
$120 million in 1920 is worth about $1,422,100,000.00 in 2015 dollars.
If you want it in numbers it's 42,000,120 If you want it in words it's forty-two million one hundred-twenty
120 thousand dollars.
120 million
120 million rupiah
At least 120 million or more
120-130 million dollars.
120,000,000 120,000,000
Tony Hawk has made well over a million dollars. With skateboarding, endorsements, and video games, Tony has a net worth of about 120 million dollars.