I think I also just answered your last question
Twelve million four hundred nineteen thousand two hundred ninety-three
I would write it as twelve point six.
one and four twelfths
One and four tenths.
Forty three billion.
a cheque
Oh jeez. 10000000+2000000+400000+10000+9000+200+90+3
The numeral 12419293 or 12,419,293 is twelve million, four hundred nineteen thousand, two hundred ninety-three.
I would write it as twelve point six.
Yes. You can write a sentence using any words that make sense.
How can I write a question that includes the word "and"?
You can not!
get inspired and then write about it using rhyming words and a good beat
by using a bunch or a lot of words
Six and eight hundredths.
one and four twelfths
One and four tenths.