One thousand, two hundred is how 1.2 thousand is written in words.
5000, five thousand
You would write eight thousand three hundred
In words, the answer is one lakh twenty five thousand, exactly as in the question!
1011 in words is one-thousand and eleven. Or one-thousand eleven.
A Thousand or One Thousand.
One thousand, two hundred is how 1.2 thousand is written in words.
Six thousand = 6,000
5000, five thousand
You would write eight thousand three hundred
In words, the answer is one lakh twenty five thousand, exactly as in the question!
1011 in words is one-thousand and eleven. Or one-thousand eleven.
write poke uwords and down words or just write it a thousand times
In words . . . . . "forty thousand". In numbers . . . 40,000 .
One thousand.
Ten thousand.
Fifteen thousand.