3 million, 145 thousand, 897 hundred.
5 x 29 = 145
145 in Roman numerals is written as CXLV. 'C' represents 100, 'XL' represents 40, and 'V' represents 5.
To write 1.45 in standard form, you would move the decimal point two places to the right to make it a whole number. This gives you 145. Therefore, 1.45 in standard form is 145.
3 million, 145 thousand, 897 hundred.
145% = 1.45
145 m & in Rs
According to the US names of numbers, that's 145 billionmeters.
During the Jurassic period - approximately 200 million to 145 million years ago.
5 x 29 = 145
More then 50 million.
1.45, 1 and 45/100, 145/100, 145%
The Jurassic period - about 200 million to 145 million years ago.