155 is an integer not a fraction.
62,453 million in decimal form is 62,453,000,000
34,500,000 (read 'thirty-four million, five hundred thousand)
A number can only contain 1 decimal.
Oh, dude, you write 155 million as 155,000,000. It's like a whole bunch of zeros after that 155. Just keep adding zeros until you hit 155 million, and boom, you've got your number. Easy peasy, right?
155 is an integer not a fraction.
62,453 million in decimal form is 62,453,000,000
34,500,000 (read 'thirty-four million, five hundred thousand)
A number can only contain 1 decimal.
75.00 is how you write it in decimals
2% of 155 million = 0.02 x 155000000 = 3100000 or 3.1 million
The term 2.5 can also be written as two and a half. The term million dollars remains the same. =================== $2,500,000
To write out fifty hundredths in decimals, you would write it as 0.50
Decimals are numbers.