16 million eight hundred thirty dollars is $16,000,830
Sixteen million, four hundred twenty-one thousand, forty-two.
670 - 6016900 = -6,016,230. I think it's supposed to be 676 million 16 thousand 9 hundred, not subtracting: 676,016,900
16 million eight hundred thirty dollars is $16,000,830
16 000 408
sixteen million, forty two thousand, six hundred and thirty one
One Crore sixty lakhs forty two thousand six hundred thirty one.
One million six hundred twenty-four thousands and twenty eight point five - seven
One thousand six hundred dollars is the answer
One hundred twenty-two and 16/100 dollars
4 million 16 thousand = 4,016,000
Sixteen million, four hundred twenty-one thousand, forty-two.
16,000,007 ( Sixteen million and seven).