You can write 'one thousand seven hundred', or 'seventeen hundred'. These are identical. You don't have to put the word 'and' in when writing numbers.
One thousand seven hundred.
They are: 1.7*103 in scientific notation or MDCC in Roman numerals
1700 = MDCC (1000+500+100+100 = 1700) 5000 = (V) or V but with an horizontal above the numeral Numerals in brackets or with an horizontal bar above them indicate multiplication by a thousand. (V) = 5*1000 = 5000
1,700 in ordinal form is 1,700th or one thousand seven hundredth.
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1700 17th Avenue
Mil setecientos
One thousand seven hundred.
If by "invented" you mean words he used which were not previously written down, opinions vary widely but most put it at about 1700 words. We don't know if he really made them up or just was the first to write them down.
It is: ((MDCC)) which means 10*1000*1700 = 17,000,000
They are: 1.7*103 in scientific notation or MDCC in Roman numerals
From 1601 to 1700.From 1601 to 1700.From 1601 to 1700.From 1601 to 1700.From 1601 to 1700.From 1601 to 1700.From 1601 to 1700.From 1601 to 1700.From 1601 to 1700.From 1601 to 1700.From 1601 to 1700.
1700 = MDCC (1000+500+100+100 = 1700) 5000 = (V) or V but with an horizontal above the numeral Numerals in brackets or with an horizontal bar above them indicate multiplication by a thousand. (V) = 5*1000 = 5000
1,700 in ordinal form is 1,700th or one thousand seven hundredth.