.85 percent can also be written as 85 over 10000, or 17 over 2000.
17 percent into a fraction and a decimal = 17/100; 0.17
17% as a fraction is 17/100
You write it as 17/10017/100
17/40 = 42.5%
Expressed as a proper fraction in its simplest form, 3.4 percent is equal to 17/500 or seventeen five-hundredths.
85/100 = 17/20
Expressed as a vulgar fraction in its simplest form, 68/100 is equal to 17/25, or seventeen twenty-fifths.
.85 percent can also be written as 85 over 10000, or 17 over 2000.
17 percent into a fraction and a decimal = 17/100; 0.17
17% = 17/100 in fraction
17% as a fraction is 17/100