A decimal number is simply a way of representing a number in such a way that the place value of each digit is ten times that of the digit to its right. A decimal representation does not require a decimal point. So the required decimal representation is 197, exactly as in the question.
197% := 197/100= 1 97/100
197/25 is already in its simplest form and as a decimal it is 7.88
197 in Roman numerals is CXCVII.
0.197 = 197/1000, which is in its simplest form.
0.788 = 788/1000 = 197/250
197% := 197/100= 1 97/100
142 / 197 = 0.720812Converting decimal to a percentage: 0.720812 * 100 = 72.08%
197/25 is already in its simplest form and as a decimal it is 7.88
197 in Roman numerals is CXCVII.
0.197 = 197/1000, which is in its simplest form.
0.788 = 788/1000 = 197/250
Oh, dude, you're hitting me with the math questions now? Like, okay, okay, so .197 as a fraction is 197/1000. You know, just take that decimal, move the decimal point three places to the right to make it a whole number, and boom, you got yourself a fraction. Easy peasy, right?
To convert the decimal 0.197 to a fraction, you can write it as 197/1000. This is because the decimal point is three places to the right of the decimal point in the thousandths place. Therefore, 0.197 is equivalent to 197/1000 as a fraction.
11000101 = 197
how do you write a this as decimal 9265