1883 = one thousand eight hundred eighty three
if 11883 = eleven thousand eight hundred eighty three
Yes you can, and you will write it as '1 million'.
1 and 451 thousandths.
1,507,099 in short word form is 1 million, 507 thousand and 99.
I think this is 1/10000 and in word form that is one ten-thousandth.
One thousand seventy-five.
Yes you can, and you will write it as '1 million'.
164.38 = (1 x 100) + (6 x 10) + (4 x 1) + (3/10) + (8/100)
Zillion is not a real word.
1 and 451 thousandths.
1,507,099 in short word form is 1 million, 507 thousand and 99.
I think this is 1/10000 and in word form that is one ten-thousandth.
Six and five hundred one thousandths
1 Thousandth
Nine and forty-one hundredths.
One thousand seventy-five.