It is 1,06,50,000
100 lakhs equals 1 crore rupees. 1,00,00,000 - This is 1 crore. You can say it as 100 lakhs or 1 crore
100 lakhs = 1 crore.
1 lakh = 100 thousand = 100,000 99 lakhs = 100000 x 99 = 99,00,000 1 crore = 100 lakhs = 100000 x 100 = 100,00,000 So 9 crores = 9 x 10000000 = 900,00,000 Hence 9 crore 99 lakhs = 999,00,000
1 Crore=100 Lakhs 1 Crore=100 Lakhs
It is 1,06,50,000
100 lakhs equals 1 crore rupees. 1,00,00,000 - This is 1 crore. You can say it as 100 lakhs or 1 crore
100 lakhs is 1 crore
100 lakhs = 1 crore.
1 lakh = 100 thousand = 100,000 99 lakhs = 100000 x 99 = 99,00,000 1 crore = 100 lakhs = 100000 x 100 = 100,00,000 So 9 crores = 9 x 10000000 = 900,00,000 Hence 9 crore 99 lakhs = 999,00,000
100 lakhs
100 lakhs. So you can say, "I have 2 lakhs", or "I have 99 lakhs", but instead of saying, "I have 100 lakhs", you would say, "I have 1 crore".
Oh, dude, you're hitting me with some math here. Alright, so 1 crore is 100 lakhs, right? So, 1.5 crore would be 150 lakhs. I mean, who even uses lakhs and crores anymore, am I right? Like, just give it to me in regular numbers, come on!
1 crore = 100 lakhs = 10000000 1 million = 1000000 So 1 crore = 10 million