7 plus 0.9 plus 0.03 can be written in decimal form as 7.93.
Write in decimal form (3 x 101) + (4 x 100)
To write 6.07 as a mixed decimal, you need to express it as a whole number plus a decimal fraction. Since 6 is the whole number, and 0.07 is the decimal fraction, the mixed decimal form of 6.07 is 6 + 0.07.
78.46 write above each other with decimal point in same place ... 70.00 08.00 00.40 00.06 then add up
1.43 m
7 plus 0.9 plus 0.03 can be written in decimal form as 7.93.
Write in decimal form (3 x 101) + (4 x 100)
5 + 0.4 = 5.4
5/10 plus 51/100 = 1.01 in decimal form
To write 6.07 as a mixed decimal, you need to express it as a whole number plus a decimal fraction. Since 6 is the whole number, and 0.07 is the decimal fraction, the mixed decimal form of 6.07 is 6 + 0.07.
78.46 write above each other with decimal point in same place ... 70.00 08.00 00.40 00.06 then add up
To write the number 3000000 plus 40000 plus 8000 plus 2 plus .07 plus .003 in standard form, you would add all the numbers together to get 3,045,002.073. This number can be expressed in standard form as 3.045002073 x 10^6, where the decimal point is moved to the left to create a number between 1 and 10, and the exponent indicates how many places the decimal point was moved.
3.3095 (put them all in a column with decimal points all lined up, and add)