It is: 0.261 = 261/1000 as a fraction
As a fraction: 261/100As a decimal: 2.61261% = 2.61 in decimal = 261/100 in fraction
261% = 261/100 which cannot be simplified.
As a fraction, 6525 = 6525/1
261/5 miles.
It is: 0.261 = 261/1000 as a fraction
As a fraction: 261/100As a decimal: 2.61261% = 2.61 in decimal = 261/100 in fraction
Oh, dude, you're hitting me with the big math questions! So, 261 as a fraction is 261/1 because any number divided by 1 is just itself. And as a decimal, 261 is simply 261.0. Like, no biggie, just the same number in a different outfit.
261% = 261%/100% or 261/100 in fractio n
261% = 261/100 which cannot be simplified.
As a fraction, 6525 = 6525/1
The expression, 0.261 is referred to as a decimal fraction. To convert it to an ordinary fraction multiply it by the relevant power of 10 to convert it to a number with NO portion AFTER the decimal point, put the relevant power of 10 as the denominator and see if the fraction can be simplified. 0.261 = 0.261 x 1000 / 1000 = 261/1000