Twenty twelfths written as a mixed number is 1 8/12, or 1 and 2/3 in simplest form.
It is 17 and 13/20 in its simplest form as mixed number
It is 4 and 9/20 as a mixed number in its simplest form
1.65 as a simplified mixed number = 113/20
20 over 12 s a mixed number = 12/3
3.85 = 317/20
Fraction: 219/20 Mixed number: 10 and 19/20
It is 17 and 13/20 in its simplest form as mixed number
It is 4 and 9/20 as a mixed number in its simplest form
1.65 as a simplified mixed number = 113/20
20 over 12 s a mixed number = 12/3
It is: 2.15 = 2 and 3/20 as a mixed number in its lowest terms
Expressed as a mixed number in its simplest form, 3.15 is equal to 3 3/20 or three and three twentieths.
3 and 3/20
3.85 = 317/20
3 and 1/20
2 and 13/20