01 = I 08 = VIII 1997 = MCMXCVII, so you'd write 01 08 1997 as I-VIII-MCMXCVII
it is 88+.08
To write the date 05 08 2005 in Roman numerals, it would be written as V-VIII-MMV.
1, 08, 9, 16, 22, 55, 56, 57, 86
Hollies' Greatest was created in 1968-08.
Greatest Kiss was created on 1997-04-08.
Greatest Hymns was created on 2005-08-23.
Her Greatest Performance was created on 1919-08-24.
Greatest Hits Encore was created on 1990-08-07.
World's Greatest Dad was created on 2009-08-21.
Greatest Hits Plus was created on 1992-08-11.
World's Greatest Dad was released on 08/21/2009.
100+ 08
800.0 Eight hundredths is 0.8
01 = I 08 = VIII 1997 = MCMXCVII, so you'd write 01 08 1997 as I-VIII-MCMXCVII